The Training Continues..

Some missed their parents a lot, having never been away from home before, so hearing their voices on the phone during a call home was a special moment!

Having a soda during a birthday celebration was a highlight, and some children enjoyed having a doll or teddy of their own for the first time. Week 2 of training was a success, and the children are learning the songs really well.

The First Choir Camp; Week 1!

As 25 children settle into week one of the camp, we get to see them experience so many different cultures/practices for the first time. They all had their first meal together, and later on in the week even got to try spaghetti! It went down a treat. There will be so many new exciting flavours for them to try.

They were taught how to brush their teeth, use the toilet and how to say thank you. When they arrive, they have no other clothes so they are given new pyjamas! One girl couldn’t wait until the evening to get them on, she went running down the hall to get changed right away and wouldn’t change out of them!! There has been so much excitement this week.

Some of our older sponsor children have been able to help out, which is incredible. So we have Isaac helping with some healthcare and check ups.

New Life Choir 2024 Backing Tracks

We are so excited for 2024 to see the return of the New Life Choir. The prep is now well underway, so stay tuned here for more information over the next few months.

This is a flashback to May, when the New Irish Arts and David Walker started recording the new tracks. Big thanks to them for all their hard work!!

For more information on how you can get involved with the choir, just visit